The starter for this evening was line caught saddle bream pan fried with Mallorcan butter with a cold beer in a deserted cove in glorious sunshine. Not really rubbing it in!
We tried the new Rocna anchor today our old anchor would not dig in on the hard sandy seabed here in the med but the new one performed very well.
the sea temperature is still a bit low but that didnt stop the boys playing on the beach and in the water. Alex swam with me from the boat and william swam on my back.
Yesterday it was our last day with the hire car so we did some sightseeing and on to Magluf that was very English and to Nicky and Williams delight we saw a KFC just past the lap dancing bar. Very tastefull. The beach was good and the boys spent a couple of hours digging holes and filling the with sea water. More photos on the picasa site